Somewhere on the bank of stream
where blackcurrants make a team
certain frog, just over there,
said this sentence to the hare:
“I can swim. I’ m the best
from the East to the West.
But you are a different one.
As the vampire fears the sun,
you fear water. Am I right ?"
The hare answered her: “Not quite.”
Then the frog said to the hare:
“J will give you, I can swear,
something very, very nice
and so tasty ! Special prize !
You will get the cabbage, wow !,
if you jump to water now.”
czyta Jacek Cudny
Suddenly, the chatty pair,
it means – the frog and the hare,
saw the fox with hungry face
that found a delicious trace.
They looked at each other, and
the hare left his solid land,
because he jumped to the river
and he crossed it, like a beaver.
A week passed and near the stream
where blackcurrants make a team
the frog met familiar hare.
But she looked like a nightmare !
Why ! So .. because of hare’s swim
and the prize. Of course for him.
She told sadly: “So to speak,
I am small, thin, and so weak.
How can I bring you, my dear,
giant cabbage over here ?
I don’t know, what to do ? Sorry !”
“Take it easy and don’t worry.”
- the hare said –“So … give me sweet,
not the cabbage, but the SPRAWDŹ.”
(tłumaczenie - Jacek Cudny)