There was a resounding feud
in a certain mountain’s foot.
It was a two fern’s dispute.
They were clashing in a wood.
One of them said: “ You are small.
I am different. I am tall.”
Then the other said angrily:
“Your words are shocking me, really,
because you, even in heels,
even gulping hundred pills,
are much smaller than I, so
I am big, but you are low.”
The answer was quick and laud:
“What are you talking about ?!
You are smaller, I can bet,
even in a large top hat,
cos I am two metres tall !”
czyta Jacek Cudny
“You are taller ?! Not at all !
I can tell you: Stop ! Enough !
Your words are causing to laugh !”
Then, probably from the sky,
the voice said to the ferns: “Hi!.
Please, excuse me, but your tiff,
will be finished in a jiff,
when you find out that my height,
from the left and the right side,
is, in metres, all my life,
six hundred and forty five.”
Shocked ferns asked: ”How many ?!!!”
and any of them, any !,
made a very silly face,
hid in a concealed place,
and from there, each of the two,
asked a stranger: “Who are you ?
Tell us, please. We want to learn.”
“ So … My name is The Mount SPRAWDŹ.”
(tłumaczenie - Jacek Cudny)